Ep 32: Difference between Average, Good and Great

Ep 32: Difference between Average, Good and Great

People who execute at the highest levels all have a commitment to sacrifice while working to improve every aspect of their life. They constantly look for weaknesses while focusing on ways to remain at the top, while everyone else is content with where they are. The...
Ep 32: Difference between Average, Good and Great

Ep 31: What’s good to you may not be good for you

In this episode, Doc and Coach discuss how the weight of our mistakes can oftentimes be so heavy that we can’t see, or even get to the opportunities that would add value to our lives. However,  there’s hope in a fresh perspective because intent turns into...
Ep 32: Difference between Average, Good and Great

Ep 30: Equal Access to Justice

Many people are calling for reform within the justice system, starting with how access to it is allocated. In this episode, Doc and Coach sit down with an old friend (Angel Harris) who stands on a platform to reimagine the justice system and secure equal access for...
Ep 32: Difference between Average, Good and Great

Ep 29: What have we learned in 2020?

his has been a roller-coaster of events leaving most people wondering when will it end. However, in the midst of that has happened Doc and Coach reflect on lessons learned in order to find a way to progress and execute at the highest level possible. Maybe its time we...
Ep 32: Difference between Average, Good and Great

Ep 28: Iron Sharpens Iron

This spotlight episode is a sneak peek into how Doc and Coach help one another find inspiration and Purpose in their own lives. One distinction quality about the show is both hosts understand they are walking right beside their audience and the topics they discuss are...
Ep 32: Difference between Average, Good and Great

Ep 27: If You Can’t Pay Cash, You Can’t Afford It

Financial freedom is something we all want. However, the ability to buy what we want, invest without limitations, and give freely with no expectation of a return is simply a dream rather than a reality. Fair warning this episode may hurt some feelings as it challenges...